Testimony of the book mormon

Roberts the lds church historian and general authority who was tasked to answer problems about book of mormon historicity, only to lose his testimony of the book of mormon as a historical document. Testimony through reading the book of mormon book of mormon. Lund, an antichrist in the book of mormon the face may be strange, but the voice is familiar, in the book of mormon. And the eight witnesses of the book of mormon said that they had handledthe word is hefted. The question of the book of mormon witnesses is extremely significant. President nelsons testimony of the book of mormon youtube. I had the book of mormon lying around, so i decided to finally read some of the introductory sections and record while i did. Thats interesting because in 1828 it probably has the connotation of measuring a weight, in other words, estimating the weight of something youre lifting.

Nineteen papers on a variety of topics related to the largest book in the book of mormon, alma, make up this volume. A testimony is a good feeling from the holy ghost telling you that something is true. Martin harris testimony of the book of mormon as given to. Read a testimony from each living apostle about the book. Distinct personal profiles emerge when the words of the following ten book of mormon prophets are identified and compared. Smith recorded that he alone supposedly translated lost plates which give an account of the history of ancient north america and was the author of subsequent works doctrine and covenants and pearl of great price. When you read the book of mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the bookfrom its first chapter to the lastthe lord jesus christ.

Joseph smith was the conduit to bring this book to light, after it was hidden for many years. David whitmer was excommunicated from the church of jesus christ of latterday saints in 1838 for. The book of mormon is a gift from god to all humankind, and he has commanded his people that they should persuade all men to repentance. Testimony of eight witnesses book of mormon central. Testimony and the book of mormon church of jesus christ.

Phineas young wrote to his older brother brigham young on december 31, 1841, from kirtland, ohio. Thus, some form of christs name is used on an average of one reference for every 1. I have a testimony of the book of mormon, that it is the word of god. I have never heard that any one of the three or eight witnesses ever denied the testimony that they have borne to the book as published in the first edition of the book of mormon. Here we have depositions by eleven men of the gold plates existence and by three of an angelic visitation.

I betook myself to prayer and supplication to almighty god. Eyring second counselor in the first presidency adapted from the book of mormon as a personal guide, ensign, sept. This script is taken from portions of joseph smiths own testimony, found at the beginning of the book of mormon. Jan 27, 2017 the solemn testimony of these three additional witnesses has appeared in every edition of the book of mormon from the beginning. Not long after my call to serve as one of the twelve apostles, i was summoned to the office of the president of our quorum, president ezra taft benson.

David whitmer never returned to the church, but left an extensive record validating his testimony. The lds church teaches members from childhood to rely upon feeling the spirit to confirm truth, promoting a personal connection to god which stems from its uniquely powerful priesthoodconferred gift of the spirit. The testimonies of those witnesses of the book of mormon in this. The mormon testimony mormons claim that a personal feeling, a burning in the bosom, which is interpreted to be a manifestation of the holy ghost, is the only evidence needed to. Mar 16, 2021 at the beginning of the book of mormon, a statement approved by eight named witnesses declares that joseph smith has shown unto us the plates which have the appearance of gold. I testify to you that the book of mormon is truly the word of god, that communication between earth and heaven has been opened up again, and that the true way of the lord has been revealed to men on earth, showing the means by which all needful knowledge and blessings may be received by every true believer in christ. Religious studies center, brigham young university, 1992, 10728. The book of mormon holds a special place in my heart. I want to bear testimony to you that i know that the book of mormon is true. This is president russell m nelsons powerful testimony of the book of mormon. It takes studying, prayer and listening to the still small voice telling you that it is true. Jan 23, 2017 the dying testimony of martin harris, as given to william pilkington by martin harris himself, in clarkston, cache county, utah. Martin harris is a firm believer in shakerism, says his testimony is greater than it was for the book of mormon martin harris witness and benefactor of the book of mormon, 1955, p. The book of mormon has filled my heart with so much joy and light and hope.

The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses were published in the first edition of the book of mormon and every edition since. The testimony of eight witnesses was first published at the end of the 1830 edition of the book of mormon and has been printed in nearly every edition since, although most subsequent editions moved the statement to the front of the book and included minor grammatical corrections. And the book of mormon witnesses have got their testimonies out there. Testimonies of the book of mormon witnesses deseret book. The testimony of joseph smith about the book of mormon youtube. Evaluating the book of mormon witnesses religious studies. Cut out the strips and put them in a bowl or jar so you can choose one each day. All continually testified that they believed the book of mormon to be the word of god. Nor does the spirit, which testifies of the book of mormon, confirm the historical reality of the book. Aug 29, 2020 as many of you will recall, shannon caldwell montez joined us on mormon stories podcast in july, 2020 to tell us her own story, as well as to tell us the story of b. I cant understand why those of other faiths cannot accept the book of mormon. Mar 30, 2021 the know shortly after joseph smith and oliver cowdery arrived at the whitmer farm in fayette in early june 1829, members of the whitmer family desired joseph to seek revelations on their behalf.

I dont have a testimony that the book of mormon is true. Gaining a testimony of the book of mormon takes work. The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses printed in each copy of the book of mormon are some of the most compelling evidence in favor of its miraculous revelation and translation. Oxford university press, 2003, 4142, emphasis added. Testimony of the book of mormon eyewitnesses come reason. It does not prove the truthfulness of a doctrine, book, or belief, nor does it need to be a valid religious experience to any person. Second, amaleki says that to serve christ we must give ourselves as an offering to him. Aug, 2018 fittingly, joseph smiths testimony is included in the introduction of the book of mormon. So perhaps i could have reasonably thought that president monsons words were for someone else. The testimonies of jesus in the book of mormon display this same truetolife reality. Another testament of jesus christ is to convey to the modern world powerful testimonies of the divine mission and essential attributes of jesus christ, to the convincing of the jew and gentile that jesus is the christ, the eternal god title page. While i was thus in the act of calling upon god, i discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside, standing in. What role does the book of mormon play in missionary work. Joseph smiths dictated text with hundreds of corrections from royal skousens study of the original and printers manuscripts.

Each time i read even a few lines in the book of mormon, i feel my testimony strengthened. The most significant witnesses are the three witnesses and the eight witnesses, all of whom allowed their names to be used on two separate statements included with the book of mormon. What does richard bushman believe about the book of mormon. Believe in the book of mormon as another witness of the son of god. A good plan recognizes that the participants will be actors, not merely executors, and will. Book of mormon witnesses all later denied its truthfulness. Having a testimony of the book of mormon is what can prepare us the most for the coming of the lord, jesus christ.

The sharing of testimony is confirmed in our hearts as the spirit bears witness of truth. Why did hiram page remain faithful to the book of mormon. The book of mormon is the testament of the new world, and they go hand in hand in testimony of the lord jesus christ. I understand emma, martin harris, oliver cowdery all say the prophet did not. Mar 01, 2020 i do want you all to know for sure i have that testimony, and not hide it, so i will do my best to share it with you in writing. Aug 01, 2018 regarding this book, joseph smith said, the book of mormon is the most correct of any book on this earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts than by any other book. Page died on his farm in excelsior springs, missouri, still affirming his testimony of the book of mormon. I had read the book of mormon before seven times, to be exact. This time, however, my objective was to find out if it was a true book or a fabrication. Church leaders and missionaries often instruct members and investigators of the religion that once they confirm through prayer that the book of mormon is true, they can then. Harmon, made in about 1885, cited in vogel, emd, 2. In his later years he questioned the authority of founder joseph smith, but he always said he believed that the book of mormon was truly the word of god.

Im grateful for the teachings in the book of mormon. The reliability of eyewitness testimony and the book of mormon. The book of mormon states it is the work of one man, joseph smith. The maxwell institute study edition, produced by believing scholars, is ideally suited to both new readers of the book of mormon and also those who know the book well and have loved its teachings and testimony of christ for many years. Selected testimonies of the book of mormon mormonism. The american scripture that launched a new world religion new york.

The three witnesses were closely associated with joseph smith at the time he founded the church. But in each of those instances i had read it by assignment from my parents or a teacher and my objective in reading it was to finish the book. When you feel a testimony in your heart, tell someone about it. I told the brethren that the book of mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book. The book of mormon has been organized into 6,607 verses, of which 3,925 refer to jesus christ, employing more than 100 titles. This contains the complete text of the 1981 edition, but with more modern text formatting. In the introductory pages of the book of mormon, there is a page that contains the testimony of three witnesses and the testimony of eight. The olive leaf foundation 2017 a new approach to studying the book of mormon. Mar 17, 2017 with this background in mind, its not surprising that samuels testimony and distribution of the book of mormon played a key role in his success as a missionary.

The testimony of the prophet joseph smith the prophet joseph smiths own words about the coming forth of the book of mormon are. On the evening of the twentyfirst of september 1823. The testimony of joseph smith about the book of mormon. Lds church news published an opinion piece yesterday 4 august that notes a few testimonies of the book of mormon wherein people witnessed the power of god working through joseph smith during the book s translation process. The earliest text yale university press, 2009, my task has been to recover the original englishlanguage text of the book of mormon to the extent scholarly and academic analysis will allow. Moreover, in many cases, the attributes and functions of jesus christ emphasized by each book of mormon prophet correspond closely with. Mclellin 18061883 was an early mormon apostle who later left the church. The act of remembering, says elizabeth loftus, professor of psychological science, is more akin to putting puzzle pieces together than.

By reading the standard works, individuals can come to know god. The testimony reproduced in this article, written in reply to james t. A testimony of the book of mormon can be gained while reading the book. The mormon testimony mormons claim that a personal feeling, a burning in the bosom, which is interpreted to be a manifestation of the holy ghost, is the only evidence needed to prove that the religion is true. This article includes photographs of four pages of the notebook. Nelson was first called to the quorum of the twelve apostles. David whitmers final testimony of the book of mormon. The most brittle plans rely heavily on these assumptions, while more resilient plans allow for adaptation under changing circumstances. Nov 01, 2016 thus the book of mormon has become the focal point of attack by many of our critics. This book has come forth as an added testimony to the world of the great truths concerning the master as set forth in the bible. These topics include the relevance of the book of alma to our modern situation, classic discourses of alma the younger, the doctrinal and spiritual understanding afforded by almas counsel to his son corianton, and an enlightening look at the antichrist korihor. The book of mormon is the most important religious text to be revealed from god to man since the writings of the new testament were compiled nearly two millennia ago.

Aside from the lost 116 pages, was the book of mormon translated with the urim and thummim or strictly from peering into a hat and the words appearing from a seer stone. The book of mormon is a special testimony to the jew, and amaleki seals this testimony in his declaration of christ as the holy one of israel. The testimony was moved to the beginning of the book of mormon in later editions, with standardized spelling. I feel the holy ghost when i pray to heavenly father. Top 40 inspirational book of mormon scriptures lifey. Cobbs inquiry, is significant because despite mclellans disillusionment with joseph smith, he nevertheless was unable to deny his conviction that the book of mormon was what it claimed to be.

Why were three key witnesses chosen to testify of the book. Dec 15, 2020 with that testimony, i have read the book of mormon every day for more than 50 years. On the evening of the twentyfirst of september i betook myself to prayer and supplication to almighty god. Joseph smith declared the book of mormon to be the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion history of the church, 4. An antichrist in the book of mormonthe face may be strange. The prophet joseph smiths own words about the coming forth of the book of mormon are. Each individual who prayerfully studies the book of mormon can also receive a testimony of its divinity see moro. Fittingly, joseph smiths testimony is included in the introduction of the book of. Mclellins 1871 notebook was thought to be lost but is in fact extant, in a private collection. Alma, the testimony of the word papers from the sixth annual book of mormon symposium, 1991 nyman, monte state, charles d. A testimony of the book of mormon book of mormon central.

David whitmers final testimony of the book of mormon david whitmer was excommunicated from the church of jesus christ of latterday saints in 1838 for turning against church members and joining in persecuting them. This sustaining and uplifting feeling, in my view, is a godfelt urging to repent and come unto christ. Mar 27, 2021 the witnesses to the book of mormon are a brick wall to the critics critics who have a small handful of dubious quotes stacked against an avalanche of undeniable testimonies by those men who repeatedly put their lives and reputations on the line in defense of this book. A modernday apostle describes the unwavering faith the churchs founders showed, even in the face of death, to remain true to their testimonies of the book of mormon.

My testimony of the book of mormon, scholarly and personal. Jan 02, 2016 after recounting how hyrum smith read from the book of mormon ether 12. Ten testimonies of jesus christ from the book of mormon. Harris made a significant financial contribution to the printing of the book of mormon. Testimony through reading the book of mormon book of. The book of mormon witnesses are a group of contemporaries of joseph smith who claimed to have seen the golden plates from which smith translated the book of mormon. The words of the apostle paul to the romans parallel this idea. Plans rely on assumptions about things we cant control. Yet, like many of you, i felt the prophets encouragement and his promise invite me to make a greater effort. A modernday apostle describes the unwavering faith churchs founders showed, even in the face of death, to remain true to their testimonies of the book of m.

Prophets and apostles talk about the book of mormon. But this is no easy taskin fact, it is impossible, because the book of mormon is true. For example, at an october 1831 conference, peter said, ever since i have had an acquaintance with the writing of godsurely including the book of mormon i have viewed eternity with perfect confidence. There are only two of the witnesses to that book now living, to wit. Testimony and the book of mormon by president henry b. Read a testimony from each living apostle about the book of. Welch, the miraculous timing of the translation of the book of mormon, in opening the. As editor of the book of mormon critical text project and the book of mormon.

I first met martin harris, one of the three witnesses to the authenticity of the book of mormon, in smithfield utah in 1874. Marsh, an excommunicated apostle, approached whitmer and cowdery to learn the real truth about the book of mormon since they, like him, were now excommunicated and hostile to it marsh reported. Introduction, testimonies, and a brief explanation about. His death was caused when his wagon overturned, crushing him underneath. Its highlights taken from his amazing sermon, the book of mormon what woul. One would think that they would be looking for additional witnesses to the great and solemn truths of the bible. I felt prompted to share my testimony of the book of mormon with you.

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